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URI Schemes

Litecoin URI schemes simplify the flow of sending and receiving Litecoin by allowing users to click on a link or scan a QR code instead of having to manually enter the transaction details. This URI includes the address, the amount to be sent, and often optional parameters such as a label or message.


The BIP21 standard was adopted by Litecoin, but with a different URN denoting litecoin. All wallets are reccomended to adopt this standard,for ease-of-use. Additional information can be found in the spec BIP21 document.

Standard syntax example:


ABFN Grammar

litecoinurn     = "litecoin:" litecoinaddress [ "?" litecoinparams ]
litecoinaddress = *base58/bech32
litecoinparams  = litecoinparam [ "&" litecoinparams ]
litecoinparam   = [ amountparam / labelparam / messageparam / otherparam / reqparam ]
amountparam    = "amount=" *digit [ "." *digit ]
labelparam     = "label=" *qchar
messageparam   = "message=" *qchar
otherparam     = qchar *qchar [ "=" *qchar ]
reqparam       = "req-" qchar *qchar [ "=" *qchar ]


The BOLT11 standard specifies the design of a Litecoin lightning invoice. To adapt this invoice as a uri, `ltclightning:` should be used asas the URN prefix (note: not 'ltclightning://'). This URI scheme is only followed by versions of lndltc 0.16+.



Alternatively it may also be useful to set `ltclightning:` as an additional parameter of a BIP21 payment request. By doing this, wallets which don't support lightning will be able to fallback to an onchain payment.


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Litecoin Learning Center

URI Schemes

Litecoin URI schemes simplify the flow of sending and receiving Litecoin by allowing users to click on a link or scan a QR code instead of having to manually enter the transaction details. This URI includes the address, the amount to be sent, and often optional parameters such as a label or message.


The BIP21 standard was adopted by Litecoin, but with a different URN denoting litecoin. All wallets are reccomended to adopt this standard,for ease-of-use. Additional information can be found in the spec BIP21 document.

Standard syntax example:


ABFN Grammar

litecoinurn     = "litecoin:" litecoinaddress [ "?" litecoinparams ]
litecoinaddress = *base58/bech32
litecoinparams  = litecoinparam [ "&" litecoinparams ]
litecoinparam   = [ amountparam / labelparam / messageparam / otherparam / reqparam ]
amountparam    = "amount=" *digit [ "." *digit ]
labelparam     = "label=" *qchar
messageparam   = "message=" *qchar
otherparam     = qchar *qchar [ "=" *qchar ]
reqparam       = "req-" qchar *qchar [ "=" *qchar ]


The BOLT11 standard specifies the design of a Litecoin lightning invoice. To adapt this invoice as a uri, `ltclightning:` should be used asas the URN prefix (note: not 'ltclightning://'). This URI scheme is only followed by versions of lndltc 0.16+.



Alternatively it may also be useful to set `ltclightning:` as an additional parameter of a BIP21 payment request. By doing this, wallets which don't support lightning will be able to fallback to an onchain payment.


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